can't wait much longer
beginning to be, prayed
out of memory
an operating, impotent faith

manipulated check points
were strategic, all-demeaning
a litany of unreciprocated empathy
with no audience, no mutilated choir


we all become idle machines
unwilling to sacrifice
hovering stupidly
teeth grinding precise

no evidence
no veil
no pious significance required
no kind of work
no ease between
no thought, no trying
no terribly compelling mind
(all too rigid, with calculated smiles)


unlacquered connections
defibrillate moments
trapping pockets of clarity
bring back the colours!
bring back the sounds!

unannounced furtive swells (gradually immersed)
excessive secrecy secretes
muttering a potent & tender detachment

Images by Hazem Mahdy