if the universe is subject to scientific laws
then naturally, humans and their intrinsic relationships
must adhere to certain universal laws as well
the test:
moist robot, passions be constrained
basic conditions for worldly success
deductive, rational procedures
where reason will not contest
creatures of appetite, no grand debate
towards pleasure - away from pain.
isn't reward from a deepening connection
enough to override minute moments of distain (growing pains)
personally (your appendix vs. my opposable thumb):
unregulated thoughts...oh creativity...the elusive genius
(a rich river from which i gorge)
incoming new sensations can both enhance and/or erode
(nothing can be otherwise, so definitive)
dreams as decaying memories
how remarkably uncontemporary
my brain is sharpest when asleep
dreams wake, create & infuse everything
if appetite is your idea of happiness:
life is perpetually striving to satisfy
one appetite after another
just as one desire is acquired
another will emerge
must control your environment
to ensure happiness
and we all know
how that ends