complex social relationships
robustly on display
recast your vision of
the right kind of mind

aching for someone
to stand beside
with a lil' bit of backbone
with a tendency for integrity

twin specter,
bright running, parallel lines
distorted, perhaps
but how would we know?

what can you offer up
as illumination
armed, precise definitions
his urgings


vulgar and reductive...determinist
shallow and selfish...unattractive

i want a man, not a liar
i want a man, not an apology

written and displayed in public 
all about perspective
understand the cause to curb 
future incidents


you're weak,
it's all too obvious
when you're standing 
next to me

don't include me in your lonely-picture
victim-based, self-fulfilling prophecy


in my final hour, my own personal saviour